Battery Additive – Battery Bb-agra 12 Onz

$20.00$25.00 (-20%)

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  • Desulfate & Reactivate old batteries
  • Protect your new batteries from Sulfation
  • Extend the lifespan of your batteries
  • No need to take water out of the batteries
  • It can rejuvenate 2 inverter batteries

We deliver all over Haiti! No matter where you are located.
Artibonite Gonaïves, Centre Hinche, Grand’Anse Jérémie, Nippes Miragoâne, Nord Cap-Haïtien, Nord-Est Fort-Liberté, Nord-Ouest Port-de-Paix, Ouest Port-au-Prince, Sud-Est Jacmel, Sud Les Cayes.

SKU: BB0012 Category:

Battery Bb-agra 12 Onz Bottle

Desulphate old batteries and bring them to life. as they were when new.
Don’t waste money buying new batteries when you can squeeze at least 5 more years on your old batteries

This presentation comes with a 15 ml dosing cup, to apply the required dose to your battery. This convenient package is practical for inverter batteries since you can apply the necessary dosage with great ease. This package is for two inverter batteries.

Packaging of: 12 oz. Battery Bb-agra ®.

  • Box of 24 Bottles of 12 Ounces Fl (354 ml)
  • Width: 10.24 in (10.24 cm)
  • Depth / Length: 14.96 in (38 cm)
  • Height: 8.66 in (22 cm).
  • Weight: 28.5 lb. (12.95) Kg.

The application must be made in batteries that are in use since it needs a charge and discharge cycle for the Battery Bb-agra to flow between the cells. If your battery is stored or disconnected, it is recommended that you charge it in an automatic charger after applying the dose.
The product is aimed at restoring and desulfating acid lead batteries. Battery Bb-agra does not recover or sulfate batteries that have broken or short-circuited cells, since the problem is physical, not caused by sulphation. It can also affect that the electrolyte or solution is contaminated and does not have a minimum balance of sulfuric acid and distilled water.

We can send your product all over Haiti.

Artibonite Gonaïves, Centre Hinche, Grand’Anse Jérémie, Nippes Miragoâne, Nord Cap-Haïtien, Nord-Est Fort-Liberté, Nord-Ouest Port-de-Paix, Ouest Port-au-Prince, Sud-Est Jacmel, Sud Les Cayes

Just give us a call and we arrange the logistic +509 3361 0553

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How to use it

SHAKE WELL BEFORE using, add BATTERY BB-AGRA to battery’s cells the specified dosage of your battery, you may have to remove some acid with your hydrometer to make room for the liquid and then put the acid back later when the liquid level has gone down. Charge the battery after treatment or continue with normal use and allow 5 charges/discharge cycles to start showing the effects.

NOTE: it may take as long as a month for the full effect of the treatment to become apparent. it will depend on how thick is the sulfate on the plates. If your battery does not recover after one treatment, you may need a second treatment. Not every battery can be recovered. BATTERY BB-AGRA will not fix shorted or disintegrated cells. Lower or higher dosages do not harm the battery. Take out all the acid sulfuric is harmful to your batteries.

BIEN AGITER AVANT D’UTILISER. A ajouter la dose spécifique de BATTERY BB-AGRA dans les compartiments de vos batteries, il est fort probable que vous deviez enlever un peu d’acide pour rajouter le liquide, et compléter le remplissage après avec l’acide retiré. Les premiers effets du traitement se verront après une utilisation normale sur un cycle de 5 charges ou décharges des batteries. En ajoutant BATTERY BB-AGRA, l’électrolyte commencera à faire des bulles, les batteries peuvent devenir un peu chaudes et perdre du gaz, résultat de la dissolution du sulfate accumulé dans les cellules. Ce processus diminuera dépendamment du ratio sulfate de la batterie.

NOTE : cela peut prendre un mois avant de voir les effets finals du traitement, dépendamment du sulfate déposé sur les cellules. Si les batteries ne récupèrent pas durant ce laps de temps, un second traitement sera à appliquer. Possible que toute la batterie ne soit pas récupérée.

BATTERY BB-AGRA ne peut rien faire pour les batteries qui ont un court-circuit, ouvertes ou avec des cellules désintégrées. Un surdosage ou une dose incomplète n’abimera pas vos batteries cependant cela n’aura pas le même effet. * Retirer totalement l’acide des batteries abime les batteries.


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HOW TO USE IT English version

HOW TO USE IT Creole version

HOW TO USE IT Spanish version





How does it work!

When you apply battery bb-agra to your batteries this is the reaction it has on
your internal batteries cells.

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Battery Additive – Battery Bb-agra 12 Onz
$20.00Category: .
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